Exploring Vietnam: Winter 2022/23

Vietnam: 6
I was just walking along a little side street and saw this beautiful bird just hanging out. So sweet! Not sure what kind of bird it is, but maybe a parakeet? I was worried it might be lost but turns out it lives at a nearby home and the owner(s) let it fly free.

Vietnam: 5
25 degrees C at 10:10 AM. This morning started out as quite clear and with glints of sunshine even, but a wall of heavy rain has just moved in from the direction of the sea. Funny how it comes and then goes so quickly here. I had my balcony door wide open but then had to close as the rain hits the tiles of the balcony floor so hard that they spray into my room quite a distance. My floor in my room is polished hardwood and gets quite slippery when wet, plus not so nice to walk on barefoot, so I try to keep it dry. And speaking of barefoot, here one never goes into a home (or even some businesses) with shoes on.

Vietnam: 4
It is raining quite heavy on and off and the heavy thick clouds blanketed overhead match the colours of the varying tones of greys and whites of the cityscape within my view.

Vietnam: 3
Some observations as I sit at the lovely outdoor cafe/restaurant of my hotel: although this is winter season here, it is 27 degrees today (celsius), and while not so many flowers in blossom as there would/will be in spring and summer season, there is still alot of lush natural greenery everywhere I can see. There are alot more tourists here in this part of the city where I am, than when I was here last time about 6 mths ago (between covid border restrictions and the area of town I was in then, I was one of very few tourists).