Cool portable shade cabana_printTurquoiseSuniela
Suniela Beach portable shade cabana with easy setup_printTurquoiseSuniela
Easy beach tent with UV protection_printTurquoiseSuniela
Arched beach cabana with ventilation_printTurquoiseSuniela
Wind resistant beach tent by Suniela_printTurquoiseSuniela
Wind resistant shade canopy by Suniela_printTurquoiseSuniela
Arched portable beach shade tent_printOceanWaves
Suniela Beach portable shade cabana with pockets_printOceanWaves
Suniela Beach portable sunshelter_printOceanWaves
Portable arched shade tent by Suniela_printOceanWaves
Compact travel beach shade cabana by Suniela_printOceanWaves
Easy portable beach shade by Suniela_printOceanWaves
Dimensions of arched shade tent by Suniela_printOceanWaves
Blue arched shade cabana with adjustable canopy_printOceanWaves
Wind resistant portable beach tent_printOceanWaves
Cool portable shade cabana_printOceanWaves
Easy beach tent that wont blow away_printOceanWaves
Wind resistant arched beach tent by Suniela_printTribalJungle
High quality cotton shade canopy_printTribalJungle
Compact & lightweight travel shade cabana_printTribalJungle
High quality cotton shade canopy_printTribalJungle
High quality cotton shade canopy_printTribalJungle
Cool Boho Shade cabana_printTribalJungle
Dimensions of shaded space beneath a Suniela portable beach cabana_printTribalJungle
Compact & portable travel sun shade_printTribalJungle
Suniela Beach shade cabana for babies_printTribalJungle
Easy family beach tent fits in a suitcase_printTribalJungle
Best portable shade tent for the beach_printTribalJungle
Best family beach shade by Suniela_printTortoiseShell
Easy portable shade tent by Suniela Beach_printTortoiseShell
Boho family beach tent by Suniela_printTortoiseShell
Arched boho beach shade canopy by Suniela_printTortoiseShell
Portable beach tent that wont blow away_printTortoiseShell
Deluxe shade cabana with fringes_printTortoiseShell

Cabanon BATIK de luxe

Prix habituel $259.00 CAD
Prix habituel Prix soldé $259.00 CAD
IMPRIMER: Suniela Turquoise
  • En stock

Vous vous sentirez comme un million de dollars sous notre parasol de luxe, vous relaxant dans le bel espace qu'il crée. Avec des imprimés BATIK en édition limitée ornés de franges luxuriantes, nos auvents sont teints à la main par des femmes artisanes pour des salaires équitables. Conçues au Canada, nos cabanes d'ombrage portables offrent une protection solaire naturelle qui ne s'envole pas au vent - pour la plage ou la pelouse !

UPF 50+

Impressionnez les autres amateurs de plage avec votre oasis d'ombre élégante et pratique.

  • Installation et démontage rapides et faciles par une seule personne. Pas besoin de de sacs de sable ou de lignes d'attache !
  • Compact et léger, même les enfants peuvent le porter !
  • Se range dans une valise CARRY-ON pour voyager + sous la poussette
  • Conception à concept ouvert pour la ventilation et la circulation de l'air, ne surchauffe jamais. Profitez de la brise fraîche + ne bloquez pas la vue pour ceux qui sont derrière vous !
  • Les poteaux en aluminium solides résistent aux vents violents
  • Auvent d'ombrage réglable pour un soleil haut ou bas et pour bloquer le sable qui souffle
  • Les poches de rangement pratiques gardent les choses bien rangées et sans sable ; de votre téléphone et de vos lunettes de soleil à un bon livre. * Ajoutez des articles plus lourds comme des bouteilles d'eau pour plus de poids les jours de vent
  • Le grand encombrement garde toute la famille au frais et confortable, il y a même de la place pour la glacière !
  • Les chiens adorent l'ombre Suniela
  • Hauteur centrale de 1,2 m (4 pi) - convient à la plupart des chaises de plage
  • Auvents en coton cousus à la main et lavables en machine - Vous allez adorer la qualité et la beauté de notre tissu
  • Crée un espace sûr au-dessus du bac à sable ou de la pataugeoire de l'enfant, protégé du soleil brûlant
  • Pour les matchs de soccer, les voyages de camping, la plage, les voyages... ou tout simplement dans le jardin. Suniela deviendra rapidement votre accessoire outdoor préféré !


  • Assemblé : 4,5' x 7' (31 pi²) (1,4 mx 2,1 m)
  • Hauteur centrale : env. 4' (1.2m)
  • Emballé : 20" x 6" x 4" (51 x 15 x 10 cm)
  • Poids : 4 lb (1,8 kg)

    The Easy Choice for Shade on the Go!

    Our beach Cabana gives you the freedom to explore

    From the secluded beaches of Thailand to your own backyard - you'll love the space Suniela creates for you.

    Internationally patented, our unique cabana design was invented on Canada's east coast.

    Quick & easy solo set-up

    Easy to carry, set up, and take down - with Suniela you'll be protected from the hot sun in less than 2 minutes - without breaking a sweat!

    1 2

    Strong & Durable Aluminum Poles


    Aluminum is the best choice for high winds - resisting breaking when other poles would snap or splinter. Available in our signature gold colour, complete with pole depth markings for easy set-up.


    Aluminum is incredibly durable - and infinitely recyclable! - making it the most sustainable choice for outdoor shelters.

    Other sun shades use fiberglass or plastic poles - which are not only terrible for the environment, they break easily in windy weather, quickly becoming trash!

    Customize your shade

    For a little shade or a lot, with high or low sun.

    Fully adjustable canopy slides to either side easily - for maximum sun protection all day long - from sunrise to sunset!

    Spend all day at the beach without getting a sunburn.

    Natural uv protection

    Cotton Canopy Made to Last

    Our 100% cotton canopies provide UPF 50+ protection - naturally - with NO chemical UV additives.

    Other shade products rely on chemical treatments to achieve sun protection, which can off-gas for years.

    We've spent years testing & refining different fabrics to develop the ultimate canopy that's breathable, machine washable & keeps you safe from the sun!

    Don't take up more space than needed

    Be a Good Beach Neighbour

    Smart design allows fresh air to flow freely & doesn't block the view for those around you.

    NO trippy tie lines - NO filling sand bags - NO flapping sound

    Suniela Beach low chair for outdoor fun and comfort

    FAQ section

    What's the difference between cabanas?

    Things our cabanas have in common:

    - They are the same size
    - Two extra large mesh pockets
    - UPF 50+ Sun Protection
    - 100% Cotton canopy with natural sun protection, no chemical UPF's added
    - Aluminum 7075 Series tent pole system, with pole-depth markings

    Differences between cabanas:
    - Classica Cabanas are available in solid colours without fringes

    - Classic Cabanas & 'Turquoise Suniela' weigh 3.5 lb / 1.6 kg
    - Deluxe Cabanas weigh 4 lbs / 1.8 kg

    - Deluxe Cabanas (including 'Turquoise Suniela') are our most eco-friendly models! Made with BCI Cotton (Better Cotton Initiative) and dyed using eco-dyes with a method that produces no wastewater

    - Deluxe Cabanas are printed with artist-designed patterns on both sides, and are trimmed with fringes that sway in the breeze

    - 'Turquoise Suniela' is printed with our logo & doesn't have fringes. You might ask - why our giant logo plastered on the sides? Well, the downside to being a Suniela trendsetter is that SO many people are going to ask you about your cabana while you're trying to relax on the beach! The logo model is for introverts who want to relax in peace.

    Do you ship to my country?

    We ship everywhere!

    Free Shipping in Canada & USA on orders $100 USD+

    Fast shipping options to the rest of the world!

    You can see available options at checkout after entering your delivery address & before entering any payment information.

    What colour canopy is best for sun protection?

    While colour can have an impact on UV rating (generally the darker the better!) - all Suniela shade canopies have been rated UPF 50+, the highest possible score for sun protecting fabrics.

    We're proud to have achieved such amazing testing results without adding any UV chemicals to our canopies. Instead, we use a natural cotton with a fine weave, and eco dyes to achieve our UV resistance.

    Here's a breakdown of how our different colours have tested, keep in mind that UPF 50+ is the highest rating given and is considered the ultimate for sun protection.

    Sand: UPF 70

    Dijon: UPF 137

    Turquoise Suniela: UPF 109

    Tribal Jungle: UPF 148

    Tortoise Shell: UPF 130

    Ocean Waves: UPF 243

    Duties & Taxes

    Canada: Sales tax is charged automatically at checkout, no further fees will be incurred

    USA: No duties or taxes will be incurred on order values under $800 USD

    Everywhere else: Any duties &/or taxes charged by your country's customs department are the responsibility of the customer.  If tax/VAT are charged in physical stores of your country, then you will likely have to pay tax/VAT for your online purchases when they arrive - before final delivery.  This is beyond our control and fees vary globally. 

    Please check with your government website regarding tax/duties for online purchases.

    *Items returned to Suniela Beach due to nonpayment of duties and/or taxes are not entitled to a refund.  

    Why is cotton better than synthetic?

    Have you ever woken up in a tent in the sun? Synthetic fabrics AMPLIFY the heat of the sun instead of blocking it. Our natural cotton canopies don't just block harmful UVA & UVB rays - they block the heat too!

    Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are made from a toxic chemical soup; they are non-biodegradable; they shed microplastics; and contain VOCS which we breathe in. They can off-gas these chemicals for years.

    Both nylon and polyester also shed microplastics. These microplastics leach into the soil and water and have now been found everywhere, including inside of us and in our food chain as well.

    We've spent years refining the perfect cotton fabric for natural sun protection & we're so proud of achieving the highest UPF rating possible without the use of added chemicals!